The Chartered Institute of Human Resource Management, Nigeria

We Provide You With World Class Training & Certification

Welcome to the Chartered Institute of Human Resources Management (CIHRM), under the Chartered-Ship House Bill No. 319, 2019 in partnership with the HRM Professionals and Certification Institute. A brand name synonymous with building the HR brand and culture. Chartered Institute of Human Capital Development (CIHRD) is a registered professional in the United States building the HR and Human Capital Development culture. The aim of CIHCD is increase her membership base worldwide through global partnership and affiliations with Universities, Colleges and other Professional Institutes in different countries.

There is more to HR than meets the eye. People have construed HR as an administrative function that hires and fires employees only, but it isn’t. The industry has evolved from the era of being merely one of personnel management to one of human capital management.

The Institute is been promoted by seasoned HR professionals, University lecturers, HR specialists, High ranking HR Official of various esteemed organizations. It is also important to redefine the HR function as a strategic partnership with other key players within a business, and one that helps to maximize the return on investment from the organization’s human capital and minimize financial risk.

Short Course

Human Resources is the core functional part of every organisation, as it ensures that all employees are both happy and protected….


Direct Membership

This is a direct membership certification without lectures and exams and it’s based on work experience only for working professionals in Human Resources, Business….


Renew Your Membership

Throughout the world CIHRM qualifications are recognised as driving leading edge thinking and professionalism in Human Resource Management….




CIHRM Membership

Join CIHRM and become part of a global community of over 1,000,000 professionally recognised and qualified members, with other leading business people, professional managers and academics.


President’s Message

On behalf of the Governing Council, staff and board of trustees of The Chartered Institute of Human Resources Management (CIHRM) I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you onto the noble Institute.


Become Qualified

Throughout the world CIHRM qualifications are recognised as driving leading edge thinking and professionalism in Human Resource Management. CIHRM Certification is recognised worldwide as the standard for procurement professionals.


Contact CIHRM

Welcome to the Chartered Institute of Human Resources Management (CIHRM) is a registered brand name synonymous with building the HR rand and culture. It’s affiliated to HRM PROFESSIONAL & CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE.
CIHRM institution of higher education located in Nigeria and providing a variety of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. We work with some accredited Universities in Togo and Benin Republic in delivering our courses.