The Chartered Institute of Human Resource Management, Nigeria


Dr. Eretan Gbenga Ologbon, FCIHRM, B.Sc Econs, Econs, M.Sc. Bus. Admin, LLB, BL, LLM, Ph.D.


Mr. Chairman,
My Lordship,
Respected Pressmen,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen


It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to this great event. A very significant one in the annals of this institute as eligible members are being inducted and conferred with different membership grades.
The Chartered Institute of Human Resources Management has presented and commenced her Charteredship Bill in the House of Representatives, House Bill No 319, 2019. The CIHRM is a registered trade-name of the HRM Professionals and Certification Institute. The institute is deeply footed legally via its registration under the Companies and Allied Matters Act, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004. I am, therefore, full of gladness in my heart, that the activities and induction of distinguished and eminent individuals herein present has all the elements of legitimacy.

The Institute is synonymous with building the HR brand and culture. There is more to HR than meets the eyes. People have construed HR as an Administrative function that hires and fires employees only, but it is not. The profession has evolved from the era of being merely one of personnel management to one of human capital management.
This form of activity is geared towards expanding the frontier of the improvement on the management of human resources in the day-to-day running of economic affairs in every facet of life. It is pivotal to note that human resource is the most important among other resources of any organization.
The world is in dire need of professionals of this institution as the level of decadence in the management of the human resources, nose dives in most parts of the world. It is therefore sufficing to say that the demand for knowledge and certification of professionals in this field of study will help to accelerate the optimal utilization of human resources in society.

The fundamental knowledge acquired and rich content of the Institute’s curriculum is a standard to be met by other aligning institutions, as our institution has raised the bar of the ‘Human resource management chain’. It is therefore our honour to inform you that, the prestigious direct professional membership of the institute will be given to deserving men and women with enviable socio-economic activities.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are privileged to be part of this memorable event upon which synergy can be galvanized to expand frontier of knowledge on human development in our beloved society. The event today will serve as an igniting apparatus to the proper and efficient management of the human resources in any form of business. Being a member of CIHRM is a rear opportunity which people scout for because of its affiliation and synergy with some internationally recognized educational institutions.

Members could expand their professional prowess in management through training, seminar, workshop, and conferences with minimal contribution as necessary for that purpose. This will enable members to work towards the achievement of the highest professional qualification.
You are therefore entitled from this conferment to full-colour membership certification given under the approval of the council. Upon this conferment of membership, we charge you to be an excellent ambassador with obligation to pursue and actualize the Mission and Vision of the Institute.

Ladies and gentlemen, I urge you to bear with us as we move towards other aspects of the program and believe in the greatness of our dear country, Nigeria. Also, positively expect the contributions of our members towards the growth and development of the Nation. While congratulating every one of you present, I respectfully once again welcome and congratulate Mr. Chairman, the distinguished members seated and the gentlemen of the press.

God bless Nigeria,

God bless CIHRM and

God bless you all.