The Chartered Institute of Human Resource Management, Nigeria

The CIHRM Examination Structures

The Institute conducts examinations, comprising of the following:


– Single Subject Certificate
The CIHRM offers single subject diploma awards in over 25 courses.


– Certificate
– Diploma
– Graduate Diploma
– Post Graduate Diploma
– Chartered Human Resources Consultant (Executive Course)

Examinations are held normally in March & September at the centres and on the dates determined by the Institute. Persons who wish to sit for an examination and are eligible under the regulations should apply to CIHRM for the appropriate forms, which must be returned duly completed, with the appropriate fee, by the closing date. The CIHRM have power to decline any application without giving reasons. Approved candidates will receive at least one week’s notice as to the time and place at which they should present themselves. All candidates will receive separate notification in respect of each or part examination passed. Unsuccessful candidates will be informed of the subjects in which they have failed to satisfy the examiners. The decision of the examiners of the Institute is final and candidates must not enter into correspondence with the Institute on the examination results. In no circumstances will details of the number of marks awarded be divulged. Upon successfully completing the Examinations, candidates may apply to the CIHRM for a form of application for appropriate membership of the Institute, provided they can fulfil the other necessary requirements as to eligibility for membership.

Candidates are permitted the following materials owned by the candidates in the Examination Hall: Pencil(s), pen(s), eraser, slide rule, battery operated & noiseless pocket calculator. Wallets and handbags for ladies may be permitted at the discretion of the invigilators.

The Institute will normally conducts examinations at overseas centres through its accredited examination centers where it maintains an office. The CIHRM may increase the fees payable where examinations are taken outside NIGERIA under this concession, and students will be advised of the amounts involved before their examination forms are accepted. Every overseas student must submit a passport-size photograph along with his Examination Form certified by his employer or the head of a recognised institute.

The amount of tuition time shown against each subject is the estimated face-to-face or class contact hours. The amount of private study time depends on the ability of individual students. As a guide line, it should be at least equal to the number of tuition hours. Those studying by distance learning should allow three times the class contact hours.