The Chartered Institute of Human Resource Management, Nigeria


Membership Makes the Difference
As a CIHRM member, you’ll have access to a vast collection of knowledge and career resources, local and global communities, opportunities to grow and give back to the profession, plus discounts, rewards and perks.


Get instant access to digital editions of our global standards including A Guide to the HR Management Body of Knowledge (HRMBOK® Guide), the foremost standard on human resource management. Choose from hundreds of deliverable templates that save you time and effort, and help you manage your HR information, Enjoy webinars, articles, blogs and papers.


Earn Professional Recognition
Business leaders recognize CIHRM as the world’s leading HR organization. By becoming a member, you demonstrate your commitment to the profession and your own continuing professional development. CIHRM is dedicated to serving human resource practitioners at all levels and functions, and also serves as an important resource for academicians, consultants and professionals in other business units who work closely with HR or handle HR strategy and issues.


Career Development
Since no two paths in project management are exactly the same, you can tailor your training to your unique needs with our varied and flexible offerings. When you’re ready for a new job, our career resources and Job Board will help you find a new position. If you’re a CIHRM certification holder, you’ll have more ways to earn professional development units (PDUs) at no extra cost.


Global Community
Network locally in CIHRM chapters in several countries. Connect globally to create, rate and discuss content, earning badges that recognize your participation.
When you are looking for advice, new ideas or even a new job, opportunity abounds within CIHRM. You’ll be able to network with your peers and subject matter experts at seminars and conferences and through our HR Talk bulletin boards, as well as through our global affiliated centers and organizations as well as social media.


Rewards & Discounts
Save up to 25% on CIHRM Store purchases including books and multimedia, discounts on e-learning courses, certification exams and renewals. Enjoy special programs for members such as CIHRM  sponsored group insurance coverage.


One of the CIHRM priorities is providing scholarships and financial aid support to its members, in order to further CIHRM’s mission of building a culture of leadership ready to contribute to global community in diverse fields.

Membership Benefits

1. Chartered Institute of Human Resource Management membership programme allows HR academics and professionals to connect on a global network that aims to provide valuable insight about the progressive HR field and its contribution to the industry growth. As a member, individuals will gain opportunities to build on leadership skills, thus giving them the competitive edge they need to succeed in today’s market.
2• The Entry Level Membership includes Student and Regular Memberships.
3• Recognized as “Member Chartered Institute of Human Resource Management and as HRM Professionals.
4• Discounted rates on events and educational programs.
5• Special discount on subscription to the “International Journal of HR Principles and Practices”.
6• Special discount on subscription to the “HR World Review” Magazine.
7• Complimentary subscription to CIHRM® Newsletter.
8• Access to online membership directory.
9• Opportunities to network with leading Global HR Professionals.
10• Access to large international HR network in the world.
11• Accessibility to progressive career and HR professional resources.
12• Access to information of upcoming Chapter events.
13• Opportunities for personal development through educational and training programs.
14• Volunteering opportunities through CIHRM® Global community.
15• The Premium Level Membership includes Chartered Member, Corporate and Doctoral Fellow Memberships.
16• Deep Discounts rates on events and educational programs.
17• Access to online membership directory.
18• Gain a competitive edge through membership recognition.
19• Opportunities to network with leading HR professionals.
20• Access to large international HR network in the world.
21• Accessibility to progressive HR and professional resources.
22• Discounts on professional development educational and training programs.
23• Volunteering opportunities through CIHRM global community.
24• Universities career progression benefits.
25• Right to vote and to be voted for.
26. Acquisition and updating of professional qualification on the job.
27. Participation in the Institute’s committees.
28. Members shall have the privilege of using the following designations:
Dr FCIHRM – Doctoral Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Human Resources Management
FCIHRM – Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Human Resources Management
MCIHRM – Full Membership of the Chartered Institute of Human Resources Management
ACIHRM – Associate of the Chartered Institute of Human Resources Management
29. Regular communication on Institute and other news via email and social media channels.
30. Enjoy discounted rate for training, conferences and other programs