The Chartered Institute of Human Resource Management, Nigeria

Routes to Membership and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy

 The Chartered Institute Human Resources Management recognises that knowledge and skills can be attained from a broad range of learning. The Institute is therefore committed to ensuring that, where appropriate, knowledge and skills which are gained via the certificated programmes of other recognised awarding bodies can be given credit or direct membership towards its own professional qualification programmes.

What is Prior Learning?
Prior Learning is any learning that is undertaken by an individual prior to enrolling for a qualification made by the Chartered Institute Human Resourses Management. Learning must be relevant to the knowledge, skills and understanding which will be assessed as part of that new Institute qualification.

What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?
Recognition of Prior Learning (also known as Approved Prior Learning) is the process whereby the Institute is able to formally recognise previously assessed and certificated learning and make an award of credit or direct membership.
This award of credit can then be transferred to the qualification being studied with the Institute, which means that the academic study requirements of the new qualification will be less than that which is normally required.

How can RPL be used?
Once RPL credit has been awarded, it can be used in two main ways:
1. To provide a specific amount of credit at a specified academic level which count towards a the Institute qualification – this is the most common use of RPL credit.
2. To gain a module exemptions in respect of one or more specific of the Institute qualification modules.
We recognise that there are many ways of acquiring knowledge and proving competence so we provide three flexible routes to membership.
• Through achievement of the CIHRM direct membership programme or CIHRM examinations or qualifications.
• Through achievement of other HRM qualifications, eg HND or Degrees in HR related fields.
• Through recognition of your membership of other HRM bodies where membership has been achieved through education.

As part of your application it is a mandatory requirement to provide:
• evidence of having completed an ethics course or training; and
• having completed a minimum of TWO years’ work experience in the HRM, related areas of studies or HRM consultancy industry or a closely related field.

As a student you will be eligible for membership dependent on your qualifications meeting the membership criteria. To become an Associate member, you will need to provide evidence of having completed a minimum of two years’ work experience in HRM or a closely related field.
While you are gaining work experience you can become an Affiliate Member. Upon completion of your professional programme or HND or egree programme, you can apply to use the CIHRM designations as well as membership certificate.
If you have not previously undertaken ethics training you will be required to undertake and successfully complete the CIHRM examinations before taking up membership.

Degrees Progression and CIHRM Direct Membership
Administered in partnership with  by ESPAM Formation University and Sainte Felicite University, Benin Republic, CIHRM directly provides a unique, flexible online way to study for those who want:
• A direct route to CIHRM membership.
• A direct route to career progression to obtain a CIHRM certificate.
• A direct route to professional development through CPD.

The online module approach provides a flexible and modern format. It allows you to study around other commitments regardless of where you are in the world and without having to be away from the workplace.
Further details of the programme can enquire via an email to:

Through other HRM Qualifications
You can apply for direct membership based on your existing HR, managerial psychology and/or qualifications.
Before applying for membership, your qualification should be at least up to and including level 6 covering the following key areas:

1. Personnel management
2. Payroll Administration
3. Human Resource Management
4. Principles and Practice in Management
5. Office Practice & Administration
6. Organization Change and Development
7. Employee Resourcing
8. Learning & Development
9. Reward Management
10. Employee Relations
11. Labour Laws
12. Leadership and Corporate Governance
13. Counseling and Coaching
14. HR Consultancy
15. Human Resource Accounting and Firm Performance

If you have taken a qualification programme which does not cover these areas we may not be able to offer you CIHRM direct membership or certifications.

Through Recognition of Membership of a Professional HR Organisation
Where your membership of another HR bodies has been achieved through qualifications this may be a route through to CIHRM membership.

Any gaps can be filled by accessing the CIHRM direct programme.